We are very excited and proud to report to the Cardano community that the Yoroi Wallet roadmap milestones are being achieved for 2018 Q4. Yoroi light wallet has been built and launched by EMURGO in 2018. The wallet has received much positive feedbacks from the community and its users, which is delightful news for our hard working tech team!
We set a very ambitious roadmap back in July 2018, and we’re glad to report that all milestones are being completed for Q4 2018. Some items still have to go through QA and validation processes, but they are all feature complete. This post will explore the new features which have been developed, and future posts will look at how the roadmap will evolve into 2019.
- Yoroi was updated to support several new languages, enabling a wider audience to start using its features. There are now six languages supported by Yoroi, including English, Korean, Japanese, Russian, Traditional Chinese and Simplified Chinese.
- Trezor wallet integration was also completed. We have created educational content for our users. You can head to our website to see the explanatory videos, or head to our social media pages. Don’t forget to like and subscribe to make sure you are kept up to date with all the content that we release. Learn how to setup the wallet, store and transfer ADA, and more. There are important and necessary steps that you need to know of, so please make sure you watch these videos! Yoroi – Trezor Hardware Wallet Tutorial: How to connect your Trezor Yoroi – Trezor Hardware Wallet Tutorial: Send a tx using Trezor. Also if you want to know more about hardware wallets, we wrote a very detailed blogpost about it https://medium.com/@emurgo_io/whats-a-hardware-wallet-b3605a026008
- The integration of Yoroi with the Firefox browser was also completed and will go through QA before then being submitted to Mozilla. If you’re impatient, you can build the extension yourself from the Yoroi Github page.
- Similarly, the native iOS and Android Apps are feature complete! The Yoroi wallet team will make the repository public and work openly with developers in the community to test the Apps publicly before releasing them.
- Finally, the Yoroi Wallet team is working hard to make the export to Excel function live! These past weeks, the Yoroi Wallet team has spent time polishing several items and making sure the experience is safe and efficient for our beloved users. Let’s encourage them as they run their final lap of 2018 and finalize the export feature!
Head to https://yoroi-wallet.com to download the latest version of Yoroi, and if you are not subscribed yet make sure to consider heading to our official channels and subscribing there too. Keep in touch with us as many more exciting news will be coming in January 2019!
- Official Homepage: dev.indonesia.emurgo.io
- Twitter (English): @emurgo_io
- Twitter (Japanese): @Emurgo_Japan
- Medium: @emurgo_io
- Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCgFQ0hHuPO1QDcyP6t9KZTQ
About Yoroi Wallet
- Yoroi Twitter: @YoroiWallet
- Yoroi Homepage: https://yoroi-wallet.com/
About Cardano
- Cardano Forum: https://forum.cardano.org/
- Cardano Telegram: https://t.me/CardanoGeneral
- Cardano Reddit: https://i.reddit.com/r/cardano
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